mission: HERO

Firefighters save the life of woman trapped on 16th floor window sill

New York City Firefighters performed a rare, but heroic Roof Rope Rescue to save the life of woman trapped by an apartment fire.

MANHATTAN, NY – New York City Firefighters performed a rare, but heroic Roof Rope Rescue to save the life of woman trapped by an apartment fire.

Ladder 30 from FDNY responded to a high rise residential fire on Lenox Ave. Upon their arrival they saw heavy fire coming from the building and a woman standing on her window sill on the 16th floor. The smoke from the fire had driven the woman out of her window and onto the sill.

Firefighter Brian Quinn and members of his crew quickly jumped into action. They secured a roof rope, to a Halligan tool on the 17th floor, and Firefighter Quinn quickly went out the window, repelling down one floor to where the woman was holding on for her life.

Firefighter Quinn reached the woman and held on to her. Engine 59 arrived and made a quick attack on the fire, allowing Firefighter Quinn and the woman to make it back into her apartment and out to safety.

“This is really a heroic rescue and it really shows the talent and the bravery of the members of the FDNY. It’s something that’s rarely done, and yet they exercised their skills quickly, they assessed the situation quickly, and they did what had to be done bravely. Thanks to their bravery, thanks to their efforts, and thanks to their ingenuity in being able to tie this rope off, we have someone who was saved here on Lenox Avenue. It’s a happy day for her, and it’s a happy day for all of us,” said FDNY Commissioner Daniel Nigro.

Thank you for your service Firefighter Quinn and the crews of Ladder 30 and Engine 59. You are all true heroes.

mission: HERO

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