mission: HERO

Officer saves life of a man bleeding profusely from a gunshot wound

A West Lafayette police officer received a life saving award after he saved the life of a man who was suffering from a gunshot wound.
West Lafayette Police Department

WEST LAFAYETTE, IN – A West Lafayette police officer received a life saving award after he saved the life of a man who was suffering from a gunshot wound.

Officer Brian Danosky responded to reports of gunshots at an apartment complex. Officer Danosky was the first on scene and located a male victim who had been shot in the leg, was bleeding profusely, and had already lost a substantial amount of blood.

Without knowing any information about who the shooter was, or if they were even still on scene, Officer Danosky risked his life and immediately applied a tourniquet to the victim’s leg to stop the bleeding. Officer Danosky kept pressure on the wound and stayed with the victim until paramedics arrived and transported him to the hospital.

The doctors at the hospital who operated on the victim said that Officer Danosky’s actions saved the victim’s life.

West Lafayette Police Chief Troy Harris said, “Officer Danosky performed this life-saving aid within a short distance of where the shooting took place and where the suspect was still armed. Officer Danosky disregarded the potential danger to himself in order to protect and save the life of another. Officer Danosky’s actions during this incident and his dedication to duty are in keeping with the finest traditions of policing and reflect great credit upon himself, his fellow officers, and the West Lafayette Police Department.”

Officer Danosky was awarded the Silver Merit Award for his life saving actions. Chief Harris said Officer Danosky is only the third person in ten years to receive the award.

West Lafayette City Councilor Gerald Thomas said, “Congratulations to Officer Brian Danosky for his selfless act in saving another individual’s life, while doing so in the face of apparent danger.”

Thank you for your service Officer Danosky. You are a true hero.

mission: HERO

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