mission: HERO

Police officers save 8-month-old baby

A police officer saved the life of an 8-month-old baby who was not breathing.
Providence Police Department

PROVIDENCE, RI – A police officer saved the life of an 8-month-old baby who was not breathing.

Providence Police Officer Jose Deschamps was working a traffic accident when a man in a nearby house ran outside screaming that a baby was not breathing.

Officer Deschamps and another officer immediately stopped what they were doing and ran over to the house. Officer Deschamps told NBC News 10, “Unfortunately, I saw the baby was lifeless and was turning blue. We performed CPR. We had called for a rescue. I did chest rub, I did breathe into the baby’s mouth.”

Officer Deschamps continued, “I would say it was about two and a half minutes. I observed the child’s belly rising he opened his eyes and at which time the child struggled to breath but was breathing, thank God, on his own.”

The baby was taken to Hasbro Children’s Hospital where he was treated and is expected to be OK.

The baby’s mother, Gieselle Figueroa said, “If he wasn’t there, who knows what would’ve happened to my first born.”

Those guys are the real heroes. they were at the right place at the right time.

Figueroa family friend

“It felt like eternity to be honest with you. It was something I’ve never experienced before and I hope never to experience again,” said Deschamps. “But, I was glad to be there and blessed to be there. 99.9 percent of us, we’re just good people and want to help our community. It’s all we ever want to do,” he said. “You don’t become a police officer for any other reason than to want to help your community and help your fellow man. And if anybody tells you differently, they’re in the wrong profession.”

Thank you for your service Officer Deschamps. You are a true hero.

mission: HERO

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