mission: HERO

California deputy saves a choking child

California deputy saves a choking child
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Office

Palmdale, CA – Los Angeles County Hero Deputy Sheriff Cameron Kinsey was assigned to watch a protest that was taking place at Marie Kerr Park in Palmdale, California. As he watched from a distance, two women ran towards him, one holding an 11 month old baby in her arms. 

Deputy Kinsey reacted quickly and took the child from the woman. The baby was not breathing and has lost consciousness according to the Antelope Valley Press. As the baby started to turn blue from a lack of oxygen, Deputy Kinsey performed a finger mouth sweep and the baby started to cry and breath.

Once rescue arrived they transported the baby to Children’s Hospital Los Angeles where he underwent surgery to remove a quarter that was lodged in his throat. 

Deputy Kinsey told the Antelope Valley Press, “Mom did the right thing. She was quick thinking and started patting him on the back to dislodge whatever he had stuck in there. I saw that. I saw she was scared and kind of frantic, so I ran over and I grabbed the baby. At that point training just took over.”

Thank you for your service Deputy Kinsey. You are a true hero.

mission: HERO

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